About me

Love films, music, fashion and pop culture – a confidante to many and a blabbermouth to all…

Read my most recent posts.

Currently working in digital, encompassing content and all the stuff that comes with it.

Live in Scotland just south of Edinburgh.

Also occasionally blog about my alopecia journey.

Working in a digital/communications/web role full-time is the ideal area for me -Why?

  1. I like to talk and interact with a rich variety of people and I get to do that, daily.
  2. I am sometimes privy to information that is embargoed or sensitive. I enjoy this responsibility. I like secrets.
  3. I enjoy providing accessible information across multiple channels (social media, web, intranet) to reach as wide an audience as possible.

And the main reason: I get paid to tell people things!

Perfect role for a blabbermouth like me.

6 Comments Add yours

  1. 1Castelo1991! says:

    Hey, my name is Gabriel. I’m 25 and from Christchurch, New Zealand. I just want to say thank you for your blog. I got Alopecia Areata in March 2016 and have been so upset about it. I have one spot on my scalp which is growing in white, but, have now got spots all over my chin. I’m trying to keep positive, your blog is awesome and I’m glad that you’ve shared your experiences. It’s such an awful thing to go through. It’s so good to know someone else is out there with the exact same thing :).

    1. Hey Gabriel. Thanks for your comments and sharing your story too. It’s really crap what you are going through but it sounds like you are dealing with it in the best way by keeping a positive outlook. It’s hard at times but it’s better than constantly feeling sad or worrying. You aren’t alone – there are literally thousands and thousands of us going through this with you. Something I have noticed since losing hair on my face is this: Almost everyone has spots missing in theirs too. I hope this finds you well and that your white regrowth returns to your natural colour :0)

  2. Kyle.blockley says:

    Hello Reece.

    What did you actually do to cure yours ? Do you have full re growth ?

    1. HI Kyle

      I honestly don’t know what I did. I tried to stress less and go into much more detail on my actual alopecia blog. Mine did come back – then started to go again – at present I have most of my hair but some started to fall a few months ago.

  3. Kyle.blockley says:


  4. Raza says:

    Hi Buddy, hope you are well. Keen to hear your views around LDN , I have only recently come across this and keen to explore it for my 10 year old son who has AA for 2 years. Whats your feedback, any improvement, side effects, potential long term impact . Any info you can provide would be much appreciated!!

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